阳光城集团松江售楼中心 | IFG伊波莱茨建筑设计
阅读:2753 2022-03-05



Chinese real estate developer Yango is building an Intelligence Base, nestled in an undulating forest landscape, in Shanghai’s western district of Songjiang. With the Chinese Academy of Sciences as its cooperation partner, the base targets companies positioned at the interface of AI and the neurosciences. For the Sales Center, we have designed an organic experiential space to illustrate this interconnectedness between people, nature and technology. Thus visitors are brought into direct contact with the project and its intrinsic vision – they not only receive and absorb, but participate in it actively and immediately.

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Play of light and colour


To embody the vision of project developer Yango of creating a cutting-edge medical technology innovation centre, we have developed a dynamic, experience-oriented design that oscillates between lifestyle and technology. The initial focal point on entering the lobby is an arrangement of fluorescent tubes suspended in space. As you approach it, the lighting mood of this installation changes, thereby establishing the theme of the customer journey right from the start: that of human interaction with technology. However, the key focus always remains on the human element. Interactive situations and an intense light choreography, characterised by a vivid blue colour theme, run throughout the interior design.

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Precise customer journey


The upper floor houses art installations, designed to render the project directly tangible. As the first glance, visitors see a light installation consisting of small, custom-made acrylic lights that resemble human neurons. We use the ceiling design to convey identity and personality, as well as to celebrate Yango’s collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Distinctive floormarkers create a parkour of interactive experience stations that invite visitors to engage with the project themselves. The layout of the space is designed to steer the visual connections, and works by repeatedly showcasing different sections of the whole.

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Digital and analogue interaction


The audio-visual customer journey begins with a fusion of traditional painting and an immersive 360° experience. The installation refers to Sheshan, the highest point of Shanghai, directly visible from the Sales Center. Sound recordings of mountain fauna bring the unique location of the high-tech campus to life: surrounded by nature, working on technologies that benefit human health. We transport this mission into the interior design as a feeling of naturalness – visually, acoustically and haptically. A boulder from Sheshan opens a contrasting dialogue with the digital environment as an eminently touchable, primal object.

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Contact points – the Sales Center as a membrane


The Tree of Hopes is an interactive installation of light and vertical, slim LED screens, whose pillars appear to grow through the ceiling and the floor. Visitors are invited to scan a QR code and carve positive messages into the tree’s ‘digital bark’ using their smartphones. The Sales Center is thus no rigid information centre, but acts as an organic, permeable membrane. The Intelligence Base lives from the ideas and visions of the companies located there, and offers a designable framework for the emergence of promising medical technology for the future. The highpoint and culmination of the customer journey is a café and lounge area with a direct view of Sheshan. The colour palette expands here: in addition to blue, a vibrant green and orange emerge to convey vitality. Visitors are invited to let all these impressions sink in here at the bar. An illuminated ceiling picks upon the energy of the exhibitions, continuing it in a dense and precise way, while the floor-to-ceiling, sliding window front places the entire room in a direct relationship with the breath-taking landscape outside. Our Sales Center brings Yango’s vision, a symbiosis between nature and technology, to life.

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项目负责人Dora Latkoczy专访

Interview with Dora Latkoczy,

Project Leader of Yango Sales Center

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Dora Latkoczy is a senior interior architect at Ippolito Fleitz Group in Shanghai. As a project leader she was responsible for designing the Yango Sales Center in Songjiang. One distinguishing features of this project is the use of art installations to create an interactive and immersive experience for visitors. We talked to Dora about the potential and the challenges of working with art in a commercial project.

Dora Latkoczy 是IFG伊波莱茨建筑设计上海办公室的高级室内建筑师,同样也是此项目的设计师和负责人。阳光城松江售楼中心的一大设计特色是艺术装置的使用并为访客打造互动和身临其境的体验。我们今天和Dora 聊一聊在商业项目中加入艺术装置的潜力和挑战。

Whose idea was it to use installation in Yango Sales Center?

It was our initiative, but client really welcomed the idea. Yango sees the project as a cultural space rather than a “sales center”. Due to the development complex’s positioning as a hub for nurturing brain Intelligence & technology innovation, the project had a lot of content worth exhibiting. Therefore, creating an interactive exhibition experience felt like a good fit. The idea also resonates with the changing retail landscape in general in China. Brands are shifting from mainly focusing on immediate sales, toward a more experiential role seeking to build long-lasting relationships with customers.



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向右滑动照片看灯光变化/slide right for light change

Can you tell us about the process of designing such an installation?

As a first step, we design the customer journey considering the existing architecture, functional requirements, and the exhibition content. Afterwards, during the 3D design process, we constantly investigate where it feels right to create playful highlight objects. It is important that these objects form a meaningful connection with the exhibition content and the brand image. When this happens, I can feel we are in the right direction.


首先,我们在设计访客动线时会考虑现有建筑、功能要求以及展览内容。然后在 3D 设计过程中,我们不断的寻找和尝试特色艺术装置的安放点。重要的是,当这些装置与展览内容和品牌形象产生价值互动的时候,就证明我们的设计方向是正确的。

Once we have a couple of ideas for each zone, we are pitching them along with our schematic 3D design, explaining the storyline and how the interaction would work. As an example, for the installation called “Tree of Hopes” we had a bunch of different ideas ranging from robotic arms constructing a room, to large-scale lamps resembling to synapsing neurons before finding the right match... Later we have rounds of meetings with suppliers. If all goes well, the magic will happen on site!

一旦我们对每个功能区有了具体的想法,我们就会将它们与我们3D 设计图纸结合,搭配合理的故事线以及创作交互运作逻辑。例如这个名为“希望之树”的装置,我们其实有很多不同的想法,从自动建造周围室内空间的机械臂到类似突触神经元的大型灯具装置等等,我们会一直尝试直到有合适的匹配...最后一步就是和供应商沟通去实现装置的制作。如果一切顺利,奇迹将在项目现场发生!

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Have you had the chance to try out some of the interactive elements yourself?

Yes. As I was on site during the installation of these elements, I was the first to try them. My favorite is the immersive hood, called “Sounds of Nature”. The sounds inside the hood are sampled from the Sheshan Mountain Area in Songjiang, while the painting on the walls depicts the local flora. When I enter the hood, I feel like transported to a different time and space.



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